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Bilder-Zeitachse Date Jan de Vries

Auf hochgeladene Bilder im Juni 2007:

Schienenbusse 810 495-2 und 010 247-5 mit Zug Praha-Masarykovo-Rakovnik auf Bahnhof Praha-Masarykovo am 7-5-1995. Bild und scan: Date Jan de Vries.
Schienenbusse 810 495-2 und 010 247-5 mit Zug Praha-Masarykovo-Rakovnik auf Bahnhof Praha-Masarykovo am 7-5-1995. Bild und scan: Date Jan de Vries.
Date Jan de Vries

701 736-1 (T211 1736) in Praha (Tatra) am 5-5-1995. Bild und scan: Date Jan de Vries.
701 736-1 (T211 1736) in Praha (Tatra) am 5-5-1995. Bild und scan: Date Jan de Vries.
Date Jan de Vries

451 037-6/451 032-7 mit Zug Beroun-Praha-Smichov auf Bahnhof Beroun am 7-5-1995. Bild und scan: Date Jan de Vries.
451 037-6/451 032-7 mit Zug Beroun-Praha-Smichov auf Bahnhof Beroun am 7-5-1995. Bild und scan: Date Jan de Vries.
Date Jan de Vries

111 002-2 auf Bahnhof Praha-Hlavni am 8-5-1995. Bild und scan: Date Jan de Vries.
111 002-2 auf Bahnhof Praha-Hlavni am 8-5-1995. Bild und scan: Date Jan de Vries.
Date Jan de Vries

843 006-8 mit R 896 Liberec-Ústi nad Labem Hlavni auf Bahnhof Liberec am 20-7-2005. Bild und scan: Date Jan de Vries.
843 006-8 mit R 896 Liberec-Ústi nad Labem Hlavni auf Bahnhof Liberec am 20-7-2005. Bild und scan: Date Jan de Vries.
Date Jan de Vries

Tschechien / Dieseltriebzüge / 5 843 BR 843

556  1 800x533 Px, 05.06.2007

You can find this locomotive (Minør) in the harbour of the capital Reykjavik. Iceland's first (one of three) railway, the Reykjavik Harbour Railway, was built to transport  materials to construct the quay and breakwater between the mainland and Örfirisey Island. One section of the 90 cm gauge track ran from Öskjuhlið and the other went to Skólavörðuholt. Two steam locomotives, Pionér and Minør, were purchased from Denmark and transported to Reykjavik. Each locomotive was 3 m high, 4·9 m long, and weighed 13 tons.  From 1913-1917 the locomotives were quite busy, often making up to 25 trips each day. Even after 1917, the locomotives remained in limited use up to 1928. Interestingly, both locomotives have been preserved. Locomotive Minør is in the harbour of Reykjavik and the locomotive Pionér can be seen at the Árbaer open-air museum.
You can find this locomotive (Minør) in the harbour of the capital Reykjavik. Iceland's first (one of three) railway, the Reykjavik Harbour Railway, was built to transport materials to construct the quay and breakwater between the mainland and Örfirisey Island. One section of the 90 cm gauge track ran from Öskjuhlið and the other went to Skólavörðuholt. Two steam locomotives, Pionér and Minør, were purchased from Denmark and transported to Reykjavik. Each locomotive was 3 m high, 4·9 m long, and weighed 13 tons. From 1913-1917 the locomotives were quite busy, often making up to 25 trips each day. Even after 1917, the locomotives remained in limited use up to 1928. Interestingly, both locomotives have been preserved. Locomotive Minør is in the harbour of Reykjavik and the locomotive Pionér can be seen at the Árbaer open-air museum.
Date Jan de Vries

You can find this locomotive (Minør) in the harbour of the capital Reykjavik. Iceland's first (one of three) railway, the Reykjavik Harbour Railway, was built to transport  materials to construct the quay and breakwater between the mainland and Örfirisey Island. One section of the 90 cm gauge track ran from Öskjuhlið and the other went to Skólavörðuholt. Two steam locomotives, Pionér and Minør, were purchased from Denmark and transported to Reykjavik. Each locomotive was 3 m high, 4·9 m long, and weighed 13 tons.  From 1913-1917 the locomotives were quite busy, often making up to 25 trips each day. Even after 1917, the locomotives remained in limited use up to 1928. Interestingly, both locomotives have been preserved. Locomotive Minør is in the harbour of Reykjavik and the locomotive Pionér can be seen at the Árbaer open-air museum.
You can find this locomotive (Minør) in the harbour of the capital Reykjavik. Iceland's first (one of three) railway, the Reykjavik Harbour Railway, was built to transport materials to construct the quay and breakwater between the mainland and Örfirisey Island. One section of the 90 cm gauge track ran from Öskjuhlið and the other went to Skólavörðuholt. Two steam locomotives, Pionér and Minør, were purchased from Denmark and transported to Reykjavik. Each locomotive was 3 m high, 4·9 m long, and weighed 13 tons. From 1913-1917 the locomotives were quite busy, often making up to 25 trips each day. Even after 1917, the locomotives remained in limited use up to 1928. Interestingly, both locomotives have been preserved. Locomotive Minør is in the harbour of Reykjavik and the locomotive Pionér can be seen at the Árbaer open-air museum.
Date Jan de Vries

You can find this locomotive (Minør) in the harbour of the capital Reykjavik. Iceland's first (one of three) railway, the Reykjavik Harbour Railway, was built to transport  materials to construct the quay and breakwater between the mainland and Örfirisey Island. One section of the 90 cm gauge track ran from Öskjuhlið and the other went to Skólavörðuholt. Two steam locomotives, Pionér and Minør, were purchased from Denmark and transported to Reykjavik. Each locomotive was 3 m high, 4·9 m long, and weighed 13 tons.  From 1913-1917 the locomotives were quite busy, often making up to 25 trips each day. Even after 1917, the locomotives remained in limited use up to 1928. Interestingly, both locomotives have been preserved. Locomotive Minør is in the harbour of Reykjavik and the locomotive Pionér can be seen at the Árbaer open-air museum.
You can find this locomotive (Minør) in the harbour of the capital Reykjavik. Iceland's first (one of three) railway, the Reykjavik Harbour Railway, was built to transport materials to construct the quay and breakwater between the mainland and Örfirisey Island. One section of the 90 cm gauge track ran from Öskjuhlið and the other went to Skólavörðuholt. Two steam locomotives, Pionér and Minør, were purchased from Denmark and transported to Reykjavik. Each locomotive was 3 m high, 4·9 m long, and weighed 13 tons. From 1913-1917 the locomotives were quite busy, often making up to 25 trips each day. Even after 1917, the locomotives remained in limited use up to 1928. Interestingly, both locomotives have been preserved. Locomotive Minør is in the harbour of Reykjavik and the locomotive Pionér can be seen at the Árbaer open-air museum.
Date Jan de Vries

MAK DE 2700-08 der Nord-Ostsee-Bahn (NOB) mit NOB 80531 Westerland (Sylt)-Hamburg Altona auf Bahnhof Langenhorn am 22-6-2007.
MAK DE 2700-08 der Nord-Ostsee-Bahn (NOB) mit NOB 80531 Westerland (Sylt)-Hamburg Altona auf Bahnhof Langenhorn am 22-6-2007.
Date Jan de Vries

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