Zwischendurchhappen mit einer urigen Italienerin. E626 beim Simplonjubiläum in Domodossola. (20. Mai 2006) Gruß an Enrico... ;-)
Olli 07.07.2009, 1787 Aufrufe, 2 Kommentare
Nice shoot! Greetings! :)
Thank you, your E636 reminded me of those pictures. Must have been a transfer of thoughts, because, when I just finished uploading those pics, you instantly came up with this sensational pic in Zoagli.
286 1200x780 Px, 21.10.2021
245 1200x795 Px, 12.07.2021
391 3 1200x790 Px, 06.04.2020
268 1200x768 Px, 26.05.2019