Linea E186 910 (TRAXX F140 MS) near Arena Po on the 14th of February in 2009
maurizio messa 08.04.2009, 1098 Aufrufe, 4 Kommentare
Eine schöne Lok und noch unversprayt, wie lange wohl?
Hello Herbert!
many thanks for Your kind comment. The most of the loks owned by privat Companies in Italy are safe and cleaned.
So sorry, but my German is very poor and I haven't understood the sense of Your last sentence ...
Hello Maurizio
I was wondering how long it will last that clean locomotive. As you wrote, private owners fortunatly keep a better eye on theire rolling stock, or store them safer and better over night. Why are you not writing in italian? I would understand it, but as your german my italian is not the best.
Tanti saluti da Coira
Dear Herbert, here we are a few understanding Italian language: so I prefer to write in English that's understandable for the most ;)
Ciao da Pavia :))
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