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Bilder von maurizio messa

635 Bilder
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41 1144 in Wernshausen on the 1st of November in 2008 - Plandampf organized by Team Lo-Rie on Werrabahn 30-10/01-11 in 2008
41 1144 in Wernshausen on the 1st of November in 2008 - Plandampf organized by Team Lo-Rie on Werrabahn 30-10/01-11 in 2008
maurizio messa

Deutschland / Dampfloks / BR 41 DR 41.1 ·Reko-Lok·

1072 600x800 Px, 04.12.2008

FS  Minuetto  ME032 running near Cadeo on the 22nd of November in 2008
FS "Minuetto" ME032 running near Cadeo on the 22nd of November in 2008
maurizio messa

FS E633 072 with a freight train in Desio on the 17th of April in 1987 - Scanned from film
FS E633 072 with a freight train in Desio on the 17th of April in 1987 - Scanned from film
maurizio messa

Italien / E-Loks / E.633

1083 800x545 Px, 01.12.2008

52 8075 near Wernshausen on the 1st of November in 2008 - Plandampf organized by Team Lo-Rie on Werrabahn 30-10/01-11 in 2008
52 8075 near Wernshausen on the 1st of November in 2008 - Plandampf organized by Team Lo-Rie on Werrabahn 30-10/01-11 in 2008
maurizio messa

TILO RABe524 014 - S1 train 14152 - near Biasca on the 14th of June in 2008
TILO RABe524 014 - S1 train 14152 - near Biasca on the 14th of June in 2008
maurizio messa

FS ETR500 train 30 (sideA) painted in the new  FrecciaRossa  brand livery running as ES9493 (Milano Centrale - Roma Termini) near Fontana Fredda on the 23rd of November in 2008
FS ETR500 train 30 (sideA) painted in the new "FrecciaRossa" brand livery running as ES9493 (Milano Centrale - Roma Termini) near Fontana Fredda on the 23rd of November in 2008
maurizio messa

03 1010 near Wasungen on the 31st of October in 2008 - Plandampf organized by Team Lo-Rie on Werrabahn 30-10/01-11 in 2008
03 1010 near Wasungen on the 31st of October in 2008 - Plandampf organized by Team Lo-Rie on Werrabahn 30-10/01-11 in 2008
maurizio messa

Deutschland / Dampfloks / BR 03 DB 003 · DR 03.2

1452 800x547 Px, 19.11.2008

FS E414 159 in ESCI Livery hauling the ICplus 618  Alfieri  ready to leave Verona Porta Nuova on the 12th of August in 2008 - By side, the D345 1077
FS E414 159 in ESCI Livery hauling the ICplus 618 "Alfieri" ready to leave Verona Porta Nuova on the 12th of August in 2008 - By side, the D345 1077
maurizio messa

50 3501 in Immelborn on the 2nd of November in 2008 leading the train section from Meiningen: in Bad Salzungen will meet the part coming from Eisenach and, joined, will run to Eisfeld, to celebrate the 150 years of Werrabahn
50 3501 in Immelborn on the 2nd of November in 2008 leading the train section from Meiningen: in Bad Salzungen will meet the part coming from Eisenach and, joined, will run to Eisfeld, to celebrate the 150 years of Werrabahn
maurizio messa

FS E444R 067 hauling the EScity9752 (Lecce-Milano) running near Cadeo on the 26th of October in 2008
FS E444R 067 hauling the EScity9752 (Lecce-Milano) running near Cadeo on the 26th of October in 2008
maurizio messa

Italien / E-Loks / E.444R 'Tartaruga', 'Schildkröte'

1058 800x567 Px, 12.11.2008

41 1144 + 50 3501 with a special train for the Werrabahn's 150 years, here between Wasungen and Walldorf on the 2nd of November in 2008
41 1144 + 50 3501 with a special train for the Werrabahn's 150 years, here between Wasungen and Walldorf on the 2nd of November in 2008
maurizio messa

FS E655 500 hauling a southbound freight train near Cadeo on the 26th of October in 2008
FS E655 500 hauling a southbound freight train near Cadeo on the 26th of October in 2008
maurizio messa

Italien / E-Loks / E.655 'Caimano' Doppellok

973 800x600 Px, 28.10.2008

Lokomotion E189 907RT (ES 64 F4-007) with advertising  Schweizer Eisenbahn Revue  just left from Arena Po with the empty car transport train to München on the 20th of September in 2008
Lokomotion E189 907RT (ES 64 F4-007) with advertising "Schweizer Eisenbahn Revue" just left from Arena Po with the empty car transport train to München on the 20th of September in 2008
maurizio messa

FNM ALe711 022FM / TSR R3 015 (side B) with the new LeNord Corporate livery running near Saronno Sud on the 20th of September in 2008
FNM ALe711 022FM / TSR R3 015 (side B) with the new LeNord Corporate livery running near Saronno Sud on the 20th of September in 2008
maurizio messa

Italien / Unternehmen / Ferrovia-Nord-Milano

703 800x531 Px, 24.10.2008

FS ETR500 train 28 (sideA) painted with HDI advertising livery, running as ES9419 (Milano C.le - Bari C.le) near Villa Cadè on the 19th of October in 2008
FS ETR500 train 28 (sideA) painted with HDI advertising livery, running as ES9419 (Milano C.le - Bari C.le) near Villa Cadè on the 19th of October in 2008
maurizio messa

FS E646 207 with a freight train near Tortona on the 22nd of March in 2008. Actually, this unit is withdrawn from service in Milano Smistamento depot.
FS E646 207 with a freight train near Tortona on the 22nd of March in 2008. Actually, this unit is withdrawn from service in Milano Smistamento depot.
maurizio messa

Italien / E-Loks / E.646 Doppellok

1349 800x536 Px, 18.10.2008

Railion Italia E483.001SF hauling an eastbound freight-train near Arena Po on the 4th of October in 2008
Railion Italia E483.001SF hauling an eastbound freight-train near Arena Po on the 4th of October in 2008
maurizio messa

FS E655 266 near Alessandria on the 12th of April in 2008
FS E655 266 near Alessandria on the 12th of April in 2008
maurizio messa

Italien / E-Loks / E.655 'Caimano' Doppellok

1028 800x562 Px, 09.10.2008

FS E464 415 pushing Vivalto rolling stocks as R11545 near Cadeo on the 21st of September in 2008
FS E464 415 pushing Vivalto rolling stocks as R11545 near Cadeo on the 21st of September in 2008
maurizio messa

Italien / E-Loks / E.464 'locomotiva monocabina'

940 800x564 Px, 07.10.2008

RhB Ge6/6'' 704 hauling a freight train on the Albula line, just after the landwasser viadukt, near Filisur, on the 2nd of May in 2008
RhB Ge6/6'' 704 hauling a freight train on the Albula line, just after the landwasser viadukt, near Filisur, on the 2nd of May in 2008
maurizio messa

NordCargo E189 993NC (ES 64 F4-093) in Brescia on the 9th of August in 2008
NordCargo E189 993NC (ES 64 F4-093) in Brescia on the 9th of August in 2008
maurizio messa

FS ME047  Minuetto  (ALe 501/502.047) running as R4297 between Casale Monferrato and Piacenza, here near Arena Po on the 27th of September in 2008
FS ME047 "Minuetto" (ALe 501/502.047) running as R4297 between Casale Monferrato and Piacenza, here near Arena Po on the 27th of September in 2008
maurizio messa

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