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A couple of ETi of Trentino Trasporti transit near of Tozzaga with the local train n.25 from Malè to Trento.

(ID 489395)

A couple of ETi of Trentino Trasporti transit near of Tozzaga with the local train n.25 from Malè to Trento. (March 1, 2011)

A couple of ETi of Trentino Trasporti transit near of Tozzaga with the local train n.25 from Malè to Trento. (March 1, 2011)

Enrico Bavestrello 10.03.2011, 1056 Aufrufe, 1 Kommentar

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Jörg Ohlhaver 11.03.2011 06:50

Hello Enrico, very nice picture you placed here on the webside.

Trentino, ETi402 + ETi409, San Michele all‘Adige, 25, 26.04.2023.
Trentino, ETi402 + ETi409, San Michele all‘Adige, 25, 26.04.2023.
Christian Wenger

Trentino Et18, Mezzolombardo / Welsch Metz, 24, 26.04.2023.
Trentino Et18, Mezzolombardo / Welsch Metz, 24, 26.04.2023.
Christian Wenger

FETM El02 + El03, Male, 6, 23.08.1992.
FETM El02 + El03, Male, 6, 23.08.1992.
Christian Wenger

FETM El02 + El03, Male, 13, 23.08.1992.
FETM El02 + El03, Male, 13, 23.08.1992.
Christian Wenger

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