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MK 618 parked in Vejle with the abandonned warehouse building in the background.

(ID 965685)

MK 618 parked in Vejle with the abandonned warehouse building in the background.
It is to be replaced with new office buildings 02.06.2012

MK 618 parked in Vejle with the abandonned warehouse building in the background.
It is to be replaced with new office buildings 02.06.2012

Benny S. Kristensen 05.09.2016, 148 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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Am 22 Mai 2004 ruht DSB Mk 624 in Odense.
Am 22 Mai 2004 ruht DSB Mk 624 in Odense.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Dänemark / Dieselloks / Serie MK(II) 601-625

160 1200x799 Px, 18.01.2020

MK 620 in depot area in Aarhus 04.03.2009
MK 620 in depot area in Aarhus 04.03.2009
Benny S. Kristensen

Dänemark / Dieselloks / Serie MK(II) 601-625

185 1200x800 Px, 10.09.2016

DB MK 612 in Vejle 10.12.2012. Privious DSB MK 612.
DB MK 612 in Vejle 10.12.2012. Privious DSB MK 612.
Benny S. Kristensen

Dänemark / Dieselloks / Serie MK(II) 601-625

178 1200x800 Px, 07.09.2016

DB MK 609 in Fredericia 18.05.2013. Previous DSB MK 609.
DB MK 609 in Fredericia 18.05.2013. Previous DSB MK 609.
Benny S. Kristensen

Dänemark / Dieselloks / Serie MK(II) 601-625

183 1200x800 Px, 07.09.2016

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